Laying out the Vineyard – Joey sets the starting place

Layout vineyardOn Thursday we started to lay out the vineyard. It would have been so easy had we put in the vines going east-west….we could have started by the fence and done this ourselves. (OK, maybe not after having seen a crew of 5 spend almost 3 days here on our land and they are not done yet.) Greg wanted to make sure the sunshine was equal on both sides of the row and we wanted a good view from our Dining Room and Deck…..both of these coincidentally made the orientation 40 degrees from north-south. As you can imagine that makes laying out 3000 vines at a spacing of 5 foot rows by 3 1/3 foot vine spacing a little more difficult. Try to imagine a wire with markings at the vine spacings and geometry to get row spacings and you can see this would take a long time. We are hoping that in the next few days they will have it all done and we can count the little plastic knives in the ground to make sure we have enough plants in the spring. We were both a little freaked out now that they have most of them in……it looks like a lot of plants spaced very close together. The picture on the bottom is the first row of knives in the ground.

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