Tag Archives: tilling

19 Million White Clover Seeds for Nitrogen !

White Clover

Here at Turtle Vines we are trying to minimize tiling of the soil.  However, it is essential that you replenish the nitrogen that is taken from the soil from the shoots and grapes each year.  It is that time of year where you need cover Clover is a legume which fixes nitrogen in the soil. It provides small white “puff” flowers, which attracts bees. White clovers will tolerate most soil conditions, but thrives in moist conditions. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Sow seed in the fall in mild climates or in the spring.

“A good stand of a perennial legume like white clover often produces 100 to 200 pounds of nitrogen per acre per year,” says Don Ball, extension agronomist with Auburn University. “Annual legumes, on the other hand, usually produce about 50 to 150 pounds of nitrogen per acre.”

The 2- to 3-pound per acre seeding rate of white clover appears low for a simple reason — seeds are tiny! On average there are more than 750,000 white clover seeds per pound.

White Clover (pH 6.2-7.5). There are many cultivars of white clover grouped by size. The shortest cultivar is Wild West. Intermediate height cultivars includes Dutch White, New Zealand White, and Louisiana S-1. These cultivars are more heat tolerant and flower earlier than the tallest white clover cultivars such as Ladino and Alsike Clover. White clovers are very vigorous! They require moisture for establishment and to maintain good growth, prefer cooler growing temperatures, and germinate best at soil temperatures of 40-50o F. White clovers are the best choices for areas that receive heavy foot traffic. White clover stores 45% of the nitrogen it gives back to the soil in its roots. This is more than any other legume and is important to consider in managing white clover for nitrogen addition. Mowing the top growth of white clover will not give you a fast boost of nitrogen, but white clover is a great recycler of nitrogen.

Tilling the land, false start

D8 tiresHad a little false start on tilling the land. After waiting for 2 1/2 weeks for the D8, our unfriendly neighbor decided that she would not let us use “her” road and also did not approve of our vineyard and would not allow us to start. So……after having this woman yell for 45 minutes we sent the truck away. It will be back on Wednesday with a sheriff to allow it on our land. What fun, but we did learn a lot about Sonoma County. It is a Right to Farm County…..so as long as you follow the right rules and get the right permits, you are free to farm your land. Also, all private roads are not alike. In order to be truly private you have to enforce rules….like limiting access which is not the case here. Lastly, apparently this neighbor did this before to the folks who built the house we now own 13 years ago. After some lawyer bills, she backed down and they were allowed to build.

So, will see how much fun we have when the tractor shows up again….can’t wait.