2012 January Work

jeansChampagne is going to pop tonight!!! I just finished the weeding project. In the past 2 days, 2 people from back east have hinted to Joey that I’m crazy…..”why does he do it?” Well, it is the satisfaction that things are done just how I like them. PS I sure hope all that carbon on the vineyard does not effect the nitrogen to the grapes….

Recap of this craziness……148 hours of my time, 39 hours hired to spread mulch with me, 2 miles of weed cloth 1 foot wide (that I had to cut with my chop box), and 69 yards of mulch. It cost around $2,500, but it should save a lot of time and aggravation for the next few years. By the way, I’m going to retire these lined jeans……I got a lot of use out of them the last 3 years.

January 6 – 1.5 hours
January 9 – 4.0 hours
January 10 – 4.25 hours + 15 yards of mulch
January 11 – 4.0 hours
January 12 – 8.0 hours + 14.5 hours hired
January 14 – 1.25 hours + 2 yards of mulch
January 16 – 6.5 hours + 2 yards of mulch
January 17 – 3.5 hours + 2 yards mulch
January 18 – 4 hours

Weeding in Janaury – 37 hours + 14.5 hours hired

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