Category Archives: Sonoma Wine Country

Summer Solstice

summer funInstead of having all the family meet at Christmas, we all decided we would meet in California this year for summer solstice. Linda came from NY and Vaughn/Karina/Xavier/Matisse drove down from Portland. In addition, almost all of Karina’s family was present for the event. It was a 2 day celebration of family!!! As you can see from the pictures below we also had a baby shower for Dane and Tara (they are expecting twins) and harvested our first garlic of the season. We hope this will become a family tradition to do this in the summer instead of at Christmas. It is easier to travel and there are many more things to do.

Bottling Rose at EMTU Wines

gus at bottling

Some friends of ours, John and Chris Mason, were bottling rose in early June. Since we had never done this, we went over to lend a hand. It was great fun to manually fill the bottles, put in the cork, add labels and foil the tops. We did about 60 cases. They are wonderful people and we really appreciated them showing us the ropes. We are hoping that this fall they will help us make some wine before our grapes are in the ground….just to make sure we like the clones we picked.

Relaxing in April

IMG_3362April in Sebastopol, CA, is wonderful. The sun is out, the grapes are growing and the winter is over. We didn’t think of all the work to come,,,,,just enjoy the days and start to plan the outside of our house and vineyard. We were invited to Graton Ridge for a spring celebration and went with our neighbors Anna and Brian. They are lovely people and we had a nice time. Also, you can see we planted our first tomato plants for the spring. The last day of frost here is April 17th, so we are safe. Next year we are going to remove more grass and have a large raised bed garden.IMG_3370