Author Archives: Doug Williams

Disbudding and removing twins

P1090830I know….a few weeks ago I was all excited about new buds on the grapevines…..and now I’m going to debud a lot of them….what is going on?

Well, grapevines are like unruly people in the spring and summer….they try and do anything they want. They put out buds on the trunks and in many cases put out double buds. As I have talked many times, you need balance in your vines. So, you have to remove all the buds from the trunks and also remove the secondary bud (the small twin bud).

Removing buds from the trunks is easy. Just get a thick glove and rub your hand down the trunk. It only took me about 5 hours to do the entire vineyard. The twins are a much more difficult as you have to make a judgement on each one. I just started this, but I’m guessing it will take me 15-20 hours. It is crucial to do all of these early since the vine is putting a lot of effort in growing these unwanted shoots.

Below I have some before and after pictures.

P1090831 P1090826 P1090827
Joey’s doing her vines


Removing twins – before Removing twins – after

March Work

early grapesOK….forget all the work. See what I saw today in the picture? My first 2 bunches of grapes that will go into the 2012 harvest! So excited!!! It just reminds me that harvest is just around the corner. Pray that we don’t get any hard freezes in the next month.

Almost done tying the vines to the rebar and highway stakes and will start my spray program in about 3 weeks. I’m also buying a small sprayer that I can tow behind the lawn tractor that will save me from doing it all with a back pack sprayer.

April 19 – 3 hours spraying (12 gal water w/1 1/3 cups seranade and 1 1/3 cups copper), de-budding
April 18 – Weeding/mulch/mowing/digging – 8 hours + 8 hours hired
April 17 – 1 hour tying/de-budding
April 11 – 1 hour de-budding, 2 hours mowing
April 10 – 1 hour de-budding
April 6 – 4 hours de-budding
April 5 – 3 hours weeding
April 4 – 4 hours mowing/weed whacking
April 3 – 5 hours mowing/grow tubes/weed whacking
March 28 – 3 hours mowing and tying
March 22 – 4.5 hours (Tying, front vineyard)
March 21 – 6 hours (tying, mowing, front vineyard)
March 20 – 3 hours (tying)
March 11 – 4 hours front vineyard + Don’s time
March 10 – 4 hours fence + Don’s time
March 6 – 3 hours (mowing)

The 2012 Growing Season begins

bud breakI’m calling it for Turtle Vines…..bud break for 2012 was on 3/20/2012. Last year it was March 22nd…..very interesting. Last year was very cold and wet but the plants were only a year old. Normally vines that are young bud break earlier because he ground heats up sooner. This year the weather has been warm but the vines are a year older. Amazing how factors cancel each other out so that bud break is within days of each other two years in a row.

Lest you think I can slack off for a while…….as soon as the small shoot is about 3-6” long, I have to start my year long organic spraying program. This should happen mid to end of April. In addition, all of the buds on the trunks of the vines have to be taken off……about 6 per vines. About 20,000 in total have to taken off by hand. Normally you run your hand down the trunk and they come off. Again….more good work for my back!!!

Joey’s Sauvignon blanc vineyard

joeys vineyardWith the help of our friends Don and Lynne Smith from New Jersey, we got Joey’s Sauvignon blanc vineyard all wired and set up for the season. It was sort of sad to cut off all the growth from last year, but she will get about 50 pounds of grapes this harvest and will get maybe a dozen bottles of wine that we will be drinking a year from now! I put below a picture of the vineyard last year and some pictures of the vineyard being set up this 7 16 11

Tying the trunks

tying 2So….since our vines are small still, this year we will only be tying the trunks to the 3’ tall rebar at the start of the season. This is to ensure that the trunks grow straight and tall. I asked everyone I know and they all said the best thing to tie them with is “green” plant tape. The reasoning is that the trunk will continue to grow and the tape will last a few years and stretch with it. Next year we might be able to tie the canes to the fruiting wire assuming that the canes are big enough. I hope I can use a more automated system to save time…..again, just multiply the seconds for each plant to get the hours it will take me to complete the task…..15 seconds equals almost 15 hours of vineyard time!!!

Oh….since we are a small boutique vineyard I found brown colored “green” tape. It is the same color as the vines so it blends in to the vineyard.

Below I put pictures of the process…..1) The tool is open, 2) When you lightly close the Tapener it grabs the “brown” tape, 3) Then you push it around the vine and rebar, 4) Finally you staple the tape and it cuts it to length.

Pretty easy, except I have to do this around 9,000 times!

Tying 3 tying 1

Replants and Puny Vines

P1090409Every year I have to do a plant replacement program. Some don’t grow big enough, some the gophers eat (the roots), some get hit by a weed whacker….you get the idea. I went through the vineyard and re-planted around 50 vines and determined that another 200 or so the trunks were not big enough to use, so I cut them back to the ground. It will help in the long run, but was sad when I had to cut them off.

In the picture above, all of the vines with “grow tubes” are either replants or I have cut them off. This is a particularly bad section.

I figure I started with 3130 vines and I replanted or started over approximately 300 vines so I have 2800 vines for my first harvest. If I get 0.5 lbs per plant, I’ll get 1400 lbs……enough for 600 bottles.


prunedSo, you might we wondering why I titled this “Can you count to four”. Well, as I’m learning, pruning and growing grapes is all about keeping the fruit and the leaves/vine growth in balance. Since my little vines are now in their 3rd leaf (or will be as soon as I get bud break) I don’t want to get to much fruit this year, or the vine won’t have enough leaves to produce photosynthesis and ripen the grapes. Normally with mature Pinot noir vines you would get two clusters of berries every 6 inches if you are trying to get high quality wine…..or about 3 pounds per plant. Since this is our first harvest, the grape clusters will be smaller and we will limit the number of clusters to only get 0.5 to 1 pound per vine. The way you do that is with pruning…….and the way to do that is to control the number of buds. Buds are the fuzzy growth you get on every plant in the spring…..grape vines are no different. For each bud you might get 1 to 2 grape clusters…, to make my long story short, I’m pruning to 4 buds this year, next year to about 6 and eventually between 8 and 12.

The picture above is a pruned vine…..I put below the before and after. It is a little sad to cut off so much of the growth from last year, but it will let the vine only put its energy into the shoots with grape clusters. So, the process is:
1. Cut the trunk about 4-6 inches below the fruiting wire
2. Trim off the shoots from last year to just outside the bud and do this for 4 buds
3. Cut off all the remaining shoots and buds to the bottom of the vine
4. After you have finished pruning for the day, you need to paint a 3% Serenade solution to prevent eutypa (a fungus that will destroy your vines).
5. Do this 3150 times!!!

not pruned

The first day I did this I was learning and probably spent 25 seconds per plant…..and when I finished today I got to around 10–15 seconds per plant.

January 22 – 5 hours pruning
January 23 – 3 hours pruning
January 30 – 5.5 hours pruning
January 31 – 3 hours pruning
February 1 – 3 hours pruning

Total Pruning – 19.5 hours

Next up is replanting vines that died last year and then tying up the vines to the rebar. Hopefully most of this will get done in February.

Looking for Grubs

P1080857Just a few weeks ago I finished laying weed cloth and putting mulch on the vineyard. Well, what do raccoons like, grubs….and where do they look….yes, under mulch (see the above picture).
So, the hunt for raccoons is beginning again….can’t let up…..have to be smarter than they are!

100% Solar Vineyard

solarAs some of you know, when we purchased our home almost 4 years ago, it came with 44 – 170w solar panels for a total of 7480w DC. Well, since we just permitted the apartment above the barn as a vacation rental and we plan on storing our wine in the barn which will require a new refrigeration unit in a few years, we starting looking at adding more solar. It turns out that the top roof on the barn is the ideal location for solar panel, but we can only fit 10 – 240w panels. So a local firm, Synergy Solar, is installing the system on Wednesday and our electric bill should be near $0 for 2012 !!! This will put us at 9880w DC of solar….enough for us, vacation renters and refrigeration.

When the system is up I’ll put a new picture up on the web.

Sea Turtle Protection

turtle Pendant

This is not vineyard related…..but since we love Sea Turtles…..this is great news. I’m reprinting the article below.

The U.S. took a huge step toward protecting endangered Pacific leatherback sea turtles last week by finalizing a critical habitat designation for 40,000 square miles ocean off the shores Washington, Oregon and California.
The designation protects areas where leatherbacks feed on  jellyfish after swimming 6,000 miles across the ocean from nests in Indonesia. Leatherbacks are the most migratory and wide ranging of sea turtle species. They are also the largest of all sea turtles, growing  up to nine feet long and weighing up to 2,000 pounds.
The critical habitat designation is the first permanent safe haven for leatherbacks designated in continental U.S. waters and the largest area set aside to protect sea turtle habitat in the United States or its territories.
Pacific leatherback populations have declined by as much as 80 percent just in the past few decades. Threats include direct harvesting of turtles and eggs and incidental capture in fishing gear. As few as 2,300 adult female western Pacific leatherbacks remain.
Harvest of eggs and adults occurs on nesting beaches while juveniles and adults are harvested on feeding grounds. Incidental capture primarily occurs in gillnets, but also in trawls, traps and pots, longlines, and dredges. Together these threats are serious ongoing sources of mortality.
“Habitat protections are vital to the survival of leatherbacks. We urgently need migration safeguards for these ancient animals as they make the longest, most epic journey of any creature on the planet to get to our West Coast every year,” said Catherine Kilduff, with the Center for Biological Diversity.
The Center for Biological Diversity was one of three groups that petitioned for increased protection, along with Oceana and the Turtle Island Restoration Network.
According to Kilduff, the 40,000 square miles designated for protection will be crucial to the survival of the giant turtle. While the designation is significant, it doesn’t go far enough to protect protect turtles’ migratory paths from commercial fishing, water pollution and marine vessel traffic.
“This is a major decision to protect feeding hotspots for endangered leatherback sea turtles, but the federal government failed to acknowledge that the turtles need safe passage to get there,” said Ben Enticknap, Oceana’s Pacific project manager.
The new regulation excludes protections for migration through these habitats and also excludes consideration of dangers to the turtles from fishing, such as mile-long drift nets used for swordfish off California.
“Leatherbacks finally have a safe haven along our coast, but still face extinction due growing threats from fisheries, pollution and ship strikes,” said Teri Shore, program director at in California.
“Though it is commendable that critical ocean habitats along the West Coast are now being protected for the leatherback sea turtle, it fails to recognize the laborious journey these animals travel,” said California Assemblyman Paul Fong, who authored the state’s new shark fin ban. “In order to better educate the public and bring awareness to the conservation efforts needed to protect these remarkable creatures, I will be introducing legislation that will name the Pacific leatherback sea turtle as California’s state marine reptile.”
Mile-long drift gillnets and longline gear used to catch swordfish, sharks and tunas are the two types of fishing gear most commonly known to capture and kill leatherback sea turtles. While current regulations restrict fishing to protect these sea turtles, the Fisheries Service is currently developing proposals to expand the use of these fishing gears into areas important to the leatherback.
Critical habitat requires the government to avoid destruction by permitted activities. Any new wave energy, offshore drilling or coastal projects in the critical habitat areas requiring federal permits would require the Fisheries Service to assess and prevent harm to leatherback feeding areas and jellyfish. Species with critical habitat protected under the Endangered Species Act are twice as likely to be recovering as those without.
The leatherback sea turtles feeding off the U.S. West Coast make the longest known migration of any reptile, across the Pacific Ocean where they nest on beaches in Papua, Indonesia. They make this great migration to feed on jellyfish in the productive ocean waters of the American Pacific. They are generally found off the West Coast in the summer and fall months.