Farming is nothing if not an interesting experience. The last few months our yard and vineyard has been plagued by an animal that was disturbing our mulch, ripping up my cardboard weed barrier in the vineyard and generally making a mess. So……I asked around and it appeared to be a racoon. So having never captured one I called around to see what it would cost to trap and relocate it/them. Amazing……$75 for 2 weeks of cage rental and then another $75 each time they trap one. My neighbor thinks we have 3 of them… $300. An then if they come back you have to spend more money. Well… much for me….so for $50 I bought a cage. It took me 6 tries to get the first one. He really liked marshmellows and organic peanut butter on gluten free bread. I took him out 8 miles away for greener pastures. Now I’m working on the next 2….hopefully they will all be gone soon as they love grapes and I won’t have any extra to spare next year.
Author Archives: Doug Williams
Second Weed Trial
My first year with weeds I resorted to pulling the big weeds and also flaming in the winter. The flaming was very successful but after you get growth on the vines, you can’t flame anymore, so weeds grow! I know it says second trial…but I’m going to try 3 things this fall/winter if I can get them designed.
1. Sonoma Country Landfill Organic Mulch – put this on 3” thick and see what happens.
2. Put down Ecocover mulch cardboard and then fill in with mulch between the plants.
3. Purchase round weed cloth to put around the plants and then cover with mulch.
4. Design a plastic frisbee like devise that has holes in it and put around the vines. This would be permanent and best for mowing. I don’t know anything that exists like this so might not get done this year.
1. Just mulch is OK, but it will not be enough to keep the weeds away.
2. The raccoons liked the Ecocover composted cardboard product….they think grubs are hiding under them. In fact, they destroyed 30 of them! Including the ones that were covered with mulch. So, not going to work. And, they only last 9 months with mulch covering them.
3. Can’t find a frisbee product to work.
Almost gave up but now I’m going to invest time and money to hopefully fix this for a while.
I found 3’ wide weed cloth that will last 15 years and has markings so you can cut it in 1’ wide sections. I’m going to cut them 20’ long x 1’ wide and cut 6” in where each vine was planted (40” apart). Then I’m going to weed whack the weeds, put on the week cloth, staple where needed, and cover it with 2-3” of organic mulch. I think this should solve the issue of weeds in the vine rows, warm the vines quicker in the spring and save labor in the long run. I figure the return on the investment will be 1.5 years.
Come visit in the spring and see how it turned out
The top picture is with ecocover and mulch.
Nature or Nurture
In vines as well as people there is a big debate about nature vs. nurture. Well in the case of Nona’s vineyard it is all nurture. The above picture is of the 29 Sauvignon blanc plants in the front yard. The picture below is of the “nursery” row (extra plants in case we need them) that are out in the vineyard. The ones in the vineyard are about 1.5’ tall and the ones by the house would be 5-6’ tall if I didn’t cut them. Amazing what a little weed cloth, bark and regular watering will do for plants!!!
Aug Work
August and September are normally quiet times in the vineyard. However, this year I had to put up my fruiting and trellis wires. I’m also going to do a demonstration row to prevent weeds this winter and next year. Hope to do that next week….I’m sure you are all awaiting pictures. I’m probably going to do a combination of compost/mulch cardboard and Sonoma County Landfill mulch.
Wires – 109.5 hired
Spray – 5 hours Aug 4-8
Spray – 5 hours Aug 16-19
Aug 22 – 2 hours Mow
Aug 23 – 1.5 hours weed and trial with cardboard
Aug 24 – 2 hours spraying
Aug 25 – 2 hours spraying, 1 hour mulch
Aug 31 – 3 hours spraying
Sept 1 – 2 hours spraying
Doug Hired
January 62 hours 66
February 6 0
March 4 0
April 32 18
May 47 24
June 36 23 (2 hours from Clint/Linda!!!)
July 22 0
Aug 22 110
Sept 2 0
Total 233 241
Of the hired work……..90 hours were for weeding and 110 hours for the wires. If I can just figure out how to do less weeding, I’m going to be in better shape!
Trellis and Fruit Wires
We are finally getting all of our fruit and trellis wires at Turtle Vines. I elected to have Rob’s guys install them as they would probably be a lot faster than I would be to install them. For the fruit wire we used 12 gauge and for the trellis wires I elected to put up 3 sets for a more finished look. Those are 14 gauge. We put wire crimps on one side and gripples on the other side.
They are coming out great and I hope that next year they work great for our expected 0.75 tons of Pinot noir.
Well, I wasn’t watching close enough and I got mildew on the vines. Not a disaster but preventable as I should have been spraying on a more regular basis.
I had been looking at the vines and thought they were turning into trunks….but they were doing that and getting mildew. So……what I should have been doing more often, is spraying them with 1% oil. This will kill the mildew by smothering it. Don’t want to have this over the winter as it will harm next years crop.
Later this year or early next year I will buy a little tow behind sprayer for the lawn tractor and spray every week. It took me 16 trips of 4 gallons with a back pack sprayer…..4 hours total. A lot of work.
Nonna’s Vineyard – Growing Like Crazy
How to Prevent Weeds?
If you have been reading any of the entries the last year, you know that the hardest part of the vineyard so far is weed control. Well, last week I attended a meeting where a new product was show. In essence, what the product is made of is recycled paper and compost, cut into rolls or circles or squares. As you can see in the picture you put this around the vine and it will help keep out weeds. I’m thinking of putting them around all the vines as circles and then top it with mulch to keep the weeds out of the vine rows. I think that would be the least work for the most weed control…and perhaps it will save 200+ hours of weeding next year. I think putting out 50’ rolls and cutting each of them is to much work.
So how much…..I figure about $1,000 in carbdoard/compost and 60 yards of mulch for $700, plus the time to put them on.
Take care of them they will take care of you
One of the big things that seem obvious but make all the difference in the world, is to pay attention to the vines. We have 4 sections of about 800 vines in each section. Two sections have Pommard and two have 667 (clones of Pinot noir). Before last week I fertilized all of the sections twice….but this time I only fertilized three of the sections. Why??? Well, the goal of the vineyard is to have all the plants grow and produce grapes that harvest at the same time……so when you look at the pictures below you will see differences in the vines that I hope to correct in the next few years. One section is growing very well but the other three are not as vigorous. So….here is what I’m doing:
Section 1 – Clone 667 and furthest east – these plants are healthy but the rootstock was not as big as the Pommard. They will get extra liquid fertilizer this year and solid fertilizer in the spring and I plan on only 2 clusters per vine in 2012. In addition I will prune the oak trees that overhand the eastern section of the property and shade the vines in the morning.
Section 2 – Clone 667 and furthest east – same as Section 1…..some of these vines are a little healthier since they get more sun than Section 1, so on some of these I will put on 4 clusters in 2012.
Section 3 – Pommard – very healthy plants. I plan putting 4 clusters per vine in 2012 as these are very healthy and will balance the vines.
Section 4 – Pommard – good trunk vine growth but they are exhibiting a deficiency as seen by the leaf color. Most likely this is potassium. We took sample of the good plants vs the deficient plants on 7/15 and will find out for sure in a few weeks. In addition, these vines are over the septic system so they probably did not get enough lime/gypsum and were only ripped to 2’ instead of 4’. So this winter I will correct for the deficiency, add gypsum and only allow 2 cluster per vine.
2012….our 3rd Leaf… our first harvest. I’m guessing that we will get around 1500 lbs of grapes…..or 1 1/2 barrels……40 cases. If all goes well by 2013 we should be up to 6 barrels if I can keep the vines happy!!! Then 10 barrels in 2014.
July Work – In The Heat!!!
Hot, hot and more hot!!! We started July with 90+ weather for the first 5 and probably 6 days… even got to 98 on July 3rd.
There was a report in the paper that the number of days above 90 will double by 2025 and will hurt the premium wine industry in Sonoma/Napa. I’m hoping that with our close spacing and planting 42 degrees from N/S we will be in better shape than most vineyards… least that was the original plan……quality and planning for the future!
Since it was a holiday weekend, we did some quiet work……tying vines. I’ll hopefully mow for one of the last times on the 5th and then fertilize the 2 sections on the east end of the property later this week. My guess is that about 1/2 of the vines are now cut to 3’……hopefully the rest will get there in the next month since they stop growing soon.
July 4 – 4 hours tying
July 5 – 4.3 hours tying/mowing
July 6 – 2 hours tying/pruning
July 7 – 1 hours tying/pruning
July 12 – 6 hours tying/mowing/fertilizing (Sections 1,2 and 4 only…..3 is doing well)
July 13 – 1 hour fertilizing
July 14 – 1 hour with wine maker
July 26 – Watering 3 hours each section