Author Archives: Doug Williams


ctw2011052100475Terroir in wine as well as life is a “sense of place”. It embodies a certain characteristic quality, the sum of the effects that the local environment has had on the entity. For wine this means the soil, climate, vine type and care given to the vineyard naturally, not with man made forces. That is why I believe the best grapes come from organic vineyards that are tended for lovingly.

For those of you only interested in wine, it is not necessary to read on……On Saturday May 21, we had a ceremony to bury my Mom in Nebraska. She was buried next to her parents in Ravenna, NE. Fourteen years ago my Dad was buried next to his brother and sisters in White Salmon, WA. Both families, along with my immediate family, are amazing and give me a sense of place that has shaped my life completely.

I hope our wine from the Turtle Vines vineyard is half as good as the family terroir that shaped it!

My nephew Cody gave an incredibly moving speech of what his grandmother meant to him. I have put it below.

What was always so clear to me was that I loved her and she loved me. There was …neither question nor condition. For me, she will always be wrapped up in a thousand generous memories. Wrapped up in a warm fondness never to fall tepid, wrapped up in the fabric of ideals that I have learned to be the meaning of family, wrapped up in that white baby blanket she sowed me that I loved till it was the likes of a tattered dish rag. In the house on Ken Lake Drive, she will always be the late night figure in the kitchen reading the newspaper keeping abreast of the world’s current events, the TV on, Sherlock Holmes or Xena in the background, maybe a bowl of cereal. This was grandma’s house. This was Thanksgiving and birthdays and Christmas, this was grandma’s cat who walks through doors, these were grandma’s books, these were grandma’s games, these were grandma’s stacks of papers and her angel trinkets, these were grandma’s photos, my photos. The Puyallup fair, African violet conventions, a summer in London, being silly, laughing, learning, these were the memories of my childhood – inseparable.
I think of her there at my sporting games, my plays, my graduations, all those milestones we like to celebrate. She was there. And much later on whether Washington rain or Californian sun, it was weekly afternoon rendezvous and Sunday meals. I would come with root beer and flowers, and perhaps steal her away into my impossibly low seated Honda Civic to olive garden, keeping her out way past residence curfew. And she would be there to listen, her hard working hands transformed into beautiful oak tree roots folded in her lap. And I was there to hear her reply, “grandma tell me about the day you first met grandpa” tell me about what it was like when you were growing up” “tell me all the things, I’ll never get to know of otherwise if you should pass away. And here we are.
I know why we got along so well – she was a woman out for adventure, out for the opportunity to learn, an observer and caregiver, a critical but compassionate thinker. She was live and let live, a dinner napkin of wisdom. She was collecting experiences and sharing her life along the way with all of us. I cannot imagine anyone fitting more to the embodiment and idea of sister, mother, grandmother and I will never forget or take for granted what having her in my life has meant to me.

May work

rain 5 17 11

As you can see from the picture above, we have all the vines now tied to the rebar. Some of them are already 3.5’ tall. When they get to 4.5’ I’ll cut them off to 30” in preparation for cane pruned grapes next year! Speaking of them growing fast…….I need to add my 4’ wire in a few weeks so they have something to hang on to while they are growing.

Lastly, below is a list of hours and activities for May. In case you are keeping track…..128 hours for Doug this year and 107 hired (if you don’t count the 24 hours of tree trimming)

Totals for May – Doug….47.5 hours…..hired…..23 2/3 hours

May 31 – 2.5 hours mowing/weeding
May 30 – 1.5 hours spraying
May 26 – 1.5 hours weeding
May 25 – 2 1/4 hours weeding/whacking/mowing
May 24 – 4 hours weeding/mowing/wires/setting up irrigation
May 23 – 2 hours mowing and weeding
May 17 – 3 hours spraying
May 16 – 2 hours mowing
May 12 – 1 hour planting dormants to replace nursery row plants
May 11 6.5 hours shoot thinning and replants and 13 hours hired ($180)
May 10 – 5 1/3 hours shoot thinning and 10 2/3 hired shoot thinning ($130)
May 9 – 4 hours shoot thinning
May 6 – 1 hours gopher training
May 5 – 6 hours …. 1 mowing, 1 digging, 1 shoot thinning, 1 spreading fertilizers, 2 front vineyard
May 4 – 3 hours digging and getting compost for front yard
May 3 – 2 hours tying, thinning

Replants – nursery row pictured above

nursery row

~10 from weed whacking
~5 from gophers
14 from being seconds at the Nursery and didn’t grow
26 just didn’t grow for some reason even though we considered them”1”’s

So I had a 1 year total failure rate of 1.8%. The ones that we deemed seconds were much higher….probably around 5%. It was also very interesting, but not surprising, that the ones we planted that had bigger roots did better both from a dead on arrival and how the vines look this year. Both of them were on rootstock 101-14, but for some reason the pommard clone was healthier when they arrived than the 667 clone.

I had planned on some not growing, so I planted 25 extra plants of each clone in nursery rows. I will use these first as they are healthy vines that will grow very quickly….perhaps enough so that I can get a trunk this year. The pommard clone has enough of these so I didn’t have to buy anymore….but the 667 had a lot of seconds so I purchased 50 more of these. Some will go into the field and some will become nursery vines for next year.

Sauvignon Blanc comes to Turtle Vines

sb 7 3 11Yes, you have all been reading about the 3150 Pinot noir vines we have in the back yard. Well, we are adding a little variety to Turtle Vines. We are planting 29 Sauvignon Blanc vines in the front of the house. (29 is Joey’s lucky number and Sauvignon Blanc is her favorite wine.) When they reach maturity, it should give us 4 cases of wine to drink. We have the rebar and location of the plants set. On Tuesday we will plant these and get them off on a good start.

I will baby these this year with a lot of compost and fertilizer to see if I can get them caught up with the Pinor noir in the back. A challenge, but I think we are up to the task. If I can do it, we may even be able to get a few grapes in 2012 !!!

Tying Vines

tying after 4 29 11In the second year of the vines life after planting dormants, you have to develop the trunk. Earlier in the spring we thinned the shoots to two and now after the threat of frost has pasted, we pick one and tie it to the rebar. This will become our trunk for next year. Remember, the shoot has to be at least the width of a pencil by the end of the growing season. In addition, to develop good shoots for 2012, I’ll cut the shoot down to 30” when the shoot is 4 1/2 feet tall. Learned that in one of my classes from Daniel Roberts! He is a very high end consultant here in Sonoma that came to one of my classes at the Junior College.tying before 4 29 11

Liquid Fish Fertilizer

injector 4 28 11So, if you saw my post last week, you can see that our little vines are growing well this year. I thinned the plants to 2 shoots so all the vegetative growth is to develop a trunk. One of those will be the trunk of the vine for the rest of its life….so very important. The key this year is to get the shoot to grow to “pencil” thickness. That will get the plant set to give us grapes in 2012!!! I know that is what all of you are hoping for…..samples of Turtle Vines wine.

In order to get the fertilizer to the plant, we will use an injector to siphon out the fertilizer from a container to the drip system. The key, is to ensure that the fertilizer gets to the roots and does not stay on the surface. So….you have to run the drip system for about 1/2 hour to wet the ground, siphon in the fertilizer, and then run the water again to push it to the roots. In my case that took x hours to fertilizer and then y hours to push it to the roots. I will do this twice this year and then probably every year in the spring.

Liquid Fertilizaton

liquid fert 4 27 11Growing grapevines is a tricky compromise between growth and starvation. In one case, you want them to grow fast to develop good trunks and root systems. However, you don’t want them to get to big because later in life you want them to put all of their effort into the grapes and not into the plant. This is called a balanced vine and for premium vines, you want as small a plant as possible that will produce between 2-3 pounds of Pinot noir per vine. If you remember from last year, we picked a root stock that would not grow to vigorously, so we are set on that account.

Well, this is our “second leaf” and this is the time for getting a trunk the size of a pencil (at least). So, I’m going to fertilize at least twice this year to make sure I get enough of a trunk so in the “third leaf” we will get grapes. In baseball terms…..I’m going to “juice” the vines. Let’s hope it is enough.

For an organic vineyard I’m going to use liquid fish fertilizer. In order to make sure it gets to the root system, you have to run water thru the drip system, run the fertilizer and then run water again. This will drive the fertilizer to the roots.

Spray Plan for Young Vines

P1050645Most people think that when you have an organic vineyard you don’t use chemicals. Not true. You just use organic chemicals ….. and keep good records of what you put on the land. In my Santa Rosa JC class this week a speaker outlined what to use. For Organic materials you have to use them about 10 days apart as they are not as strong as conventional materials. The following is used for mildew/botrytis.

Stylet Oil with copper
– Sprayed for 2.5 hours on 4/27. Sprayed a total of 20 gallons of a 1% Stylet Oil and 15 tsp of Nordox copper.
Micronized Sulfur (2X)
Stylet Oil with copper
Sonata and alternate with Seraonade (5X total)

If you find other bugs like European Grape Moths (in the trap the county put on our land above) you have to spray for that also.

By the way, I found out this week that when you put hay on for winter to prevent erosion, it does not have to be organic. Didn’t know that until Thursday.

Deer – Oh No!!!

fenceIn 2009 I saw a deer on the land as we were discing the land…..but none since then. Which is very good as deer (as everyone knows) like to eat tender plants. And guess what is tender right now, grape vine shoots….all 3200 of them. Well, today as I was mowing/weed whacking 2 little deer wandered onto the land around noon. I ran after them to get them off the land. I put up a temporary fence (above) and parked the truck in the driveway. Hopefully this will keep them away until I can get a fence up this next week. If not……either I lose a lot of plants or I stay up all night waiting for them. Hopefully they didn’t tell their friends!

Shoot thinning to determine a trunk !!!

trunk devI’m not sure many of you knew this, but this is a very important time for Turtle Vines!!! Last year the vines just grew and developed roots. This year we get to develop the trunk of the vine. So, it is now about 3 weeks after bud break. Most of the vines have 3 or 4 shoots coming from the plants. The first thing we do is thin this to 2 and let them grow. For the next 6 weeks, I’ll tie them up and let them grow. Around June 1, I pick the best and then take the weak sister out. Hopefully the one left will grow to the width of a pencil as this will be the trunk for next year.

Just some work so far this month.

4/15 Mowing 1 hour, shoot thinning 1 hour
4/19 Mowing and repairing mower 5 hours
4/20 3 guys/2 hours each shoot thinning – hired
4/21 3 guys/4 hours each shoot thinning – hired
4/21 2 hours weed whacking/mowing
4/22 2 1/2 hours weed whacking/mowing
4/23 3 hours weed whacking/mowing
4/25 3 hours weed whacking/mowing
4/27 2.5 hours spraying
4/28 6 hours fertilizing and marking plants to replace next week